Online Writing Jobs: Here’s A Great Place To Find Freelance Online Writing Jobs On A Regular Basis No One is Talking About ….Not Even The Successful Ones Are Because They Really Don’t Know About It!
This piece is for you if you really want
· Get daily freelance online writing jobs that you can complete quickly and easily!
· to get effortlessly get part-time or full time online writing jobs on the side to help the bills …
· to hone your skills and get paid for it— without waiting for months to be paid….
· to make a difference in the lives of others with your gift of words
Let’s face it. Knowing where to find good freelance writing jobs can be like going to a goldfield to look for gold with your bare hands.
I think you’ll agree with me that lots of opportunities abound online but very lucrative ones are so hard to come by.
Even if you are lucky to find very good ones, you will still face very stiff competition from writers all over the world.
But what if I told you there’s an untapped niche with virtually little or no competition!
Do you really want to know what that is?
First, let me give you the background story.
A few years ago, I tried so hard to find freelance writing jobs and nothing worked for me because I just didn’t want to trade my precious time for dimes and nickels.
I wanted ‘’freelance gold’’ but it was so elusive until God showed me the way and turned my life around for good.
Well, I know how you might be struggling to get good-paying jobs on a regular basis and I promise to show you how you too can get freelance writing jobs on a daily basis without waiting for so long to hear back from an editor or even waiting for several months just to get a paycheck!
You see, before the California Gold Rush, San Francisco was a sleepy little town with a small population and no one dreamed it would someday be ‘’the gold capital’’ of the world in 1849 until that discovery.
James Marshall was working on a mill for his boss James Stutter when he discovered some shiny flakes on the banks of a nearby river. And so, he took it to his boss and when the duo tested those substances, they found that it was indeed gold!
They kept it to themselves but rumors spread to the nearby towns and cities and before long, people were migrating from all over America, South America and even parts of Europe with only their pickaxes and pans.
It’s believed that there was so much gold in the mountains of California and beyond that, you could pick flakes of gold from the ground.
That mind-blowing discovery changed everything about California from that moment on and the rest they say is history.
That story has got quite a lot in common with finding freelance writing jobs in your own backyard.
Believe it or not, there are so many untapped online writing jobs in your own backyard and I am so surprised no one is trumpeting it.
Well, I will show you how you can get all those jobs using a proven method I call the Backyard Gold mining Writing Method.
Before we get into more details, let’s get a few things straight.
During the ‘’internet stone age’’, internet usage was restricted to a few countries.
When it opened up to the rest of the world, vistas of online writing opportunities became more accessible and writers from every background found a voice.
I remember back in 2002/2003, you could easily find work on (now ) and the pay was okay as there were only a handful of writers on the platform.
Things have changed in recent times given that, there are so many freelance job sites like:
That might sound like good news considering the fact that there are more opportunities for writers.
But, as you are pretty much aware, those platforms have so many writing jobs that really don’t pay well.
Take, for example, a writing job I saw that promises to ‘’pay’’ a writer $10.
That figure sounds ridiculous to me. Worse still, some clients rip writers off! That’s so sad!
In this day and age, we can earn more and be treated with respect if we find decent clients on a regular basis or have built a solid track record of success.
According to this report, the number of freelancers will increase in the years ahead.
That certainly will come with rapid growth in the number of blogs, online journals, and so on.
What that means is that more writers will flood the market for those gigs.
Well, Robert Schuller once said tough times don’t last but tough people do.
While this is true, freelance writers who really want to get excellent online writing on a consistent basis, will either have
1. specialized
2. Think outside the box
First, let’s talk about specialization.
As you are pretty much aware, those who earn more in any field are mostly specialists. Take the case of a heart surgeon vis-à-vis a general practitioner.
For example, let’s take a look at this job advertisement.
Now, let me ask you this: Do you really have what it takes to get that job.
I don’t because I don’t meet the job specifications. Do you? Well, if you have that skill set, then you might get this job pretty fast because few writers might probably give it a shot.
Well, if you are lucky to get that job and do a good job, your client will be more than happy to send future assignments your way.
But, there’s no guarantee that will last forever.
As you know, when things take a nose dive or there’s a corporate takeover, you might be ‘’laid off!’’ so to speak.
What if I told you there’s a niche that can withstand all these external threats!
Wondering what that niche is? Ok, these simple brain teasers might give you a clue.
- Were you baptized or dedicated at birth?
2. Did you graduate school?
3. Have you ever attended a wedding?
4. Have you ever been to a memorial or funeral service?
5. Are you married?
6. Have you retired or you have a few years to go?
7. Are you a member of any club, association or organization?
I could go on and on…
If you nodded your head in agreement while going through those questions, then, you have it takes to make the most of this niche.
Believe it or not, people like you and me are looking for folks like you to help them write simple letters and speeches for social occasions.
Sadly, however, those jobs are not posted online.
Wouldn’t it be great if you find those online writing jobs on a regular basis?
Ok, let’s talk to Prof. Google or your favorite search engine so we can get a fair idea of how to get those jobs.
Let’s use the Google keyword planner tool…Ever heard of that? Don’t worry if you haven’t. Well, it’s a Google product that records your search inquiries.
To be clear, whenever you are looking for any information on Google, the keyword tool takes note of your search trail and store it in their database.
Okay, I want you to make it fairly simple and easy to understand, so, let’s go back to the questions I asked you earlier.
Here’s a replay in case you can’t remember any of them.
1. Have you ever been to a wedding?
2. Have you ever been to a funeral?
To get an overview of the size of the funeral and wedding market, let’s use the keyword planner tool to find the number of online inquiries for weddings.
Did you notice how vast the size of the market is?
You see, those searchers are not looking for ideas and tips to help them put together their scattered thoughts together to form meaningful letters and speeches.
If you are lucky enough to write for only 10 of those ‘’Googlers’’ or searchers, then you will earn a cool $1000 if you charge only $100…and as far as I am concerned, that’s a complete no-brainer
Just imagine how you will feel like if you could only grab a tiny slice of that market?
Most of those searchers are right in your backyard: state, province, town, city, country and are desperately looking for help and you will get fantastic results you get when you use the Backyard Gold Mining Writing Method To Get Clients.
Just imagine how you will feel like if you could only grab a tiny slice of that market?
Most of those searchers are right in your backyard: state, province, town, city, country and are desperately looking for help and you will get fantastic results you get when you use the Backyard Gold Mining Writing Method To Get Clients.
Just imagine how you will feel like if you could only grab a tiny slice of that market?
Most of those searchers are right in your backyard: state, province, town, city, country and are desperately looking for help and you will get fantastic results when you use the Backyard Gold Mining Writing Method To Get Clients.
Wouldn’t you love that? Just imagine having your phone ring off the hook as neighbors, friends, and even total strangers call you to ask for help and be paid for that without spending so much time on it.
In Part 2 of this series, you will discover via our Free Course — -how you too can effortlessly earn extra cash on the side writing simple letters and notes and speeches for people right where you are. So, please click here to get on board now.