A simple mother of the groom speech and toast isn’t as simple as most people think.
Let’s be honest. Many moms assume giving a simple mother of the groom speech is a breeze, like grabbing dinner from the nearest drive-thru. But it’s far from that simple. It’s a delicate balance of love, laughter and heartfelt words.
As a professional wedding speech writer, I believe a simple mother of the groom speech should be like honey: warm, sweet, straightforward, memorable and profoundly inspiring.
If that is your goal, then you are in luck. I have got expert advice and inspiring ideas to make your mother of the groom speech simple, sincere and unforgettable.
How To Write A Simple And Good Mother Of The Groom Speech
The writing process is a series of steps and you should take them, one step at a time, to accomplish your writing goals.
Here are the three steps in the writing process:
· Watch Mother Of The Groom Speech Videos
· Read Simple Mother Of The Groom Speech Examples
· Write Your First Draft Of Your Speech
Let’s look at what goes into each of those main ideas.
· Watch Mother Of The Groom Speech Videos
There are couple reasons why you should watch mother of the groom speech video clips on YouTube prior to writing your speech.
First, it gives you a perfect idea of how to write and deliver it.
Second, you are able to see how others have done theirs so you can figure out how to get yours done.
Third, it actually builds up your self-confidence because soaking up those clips will inspire you to get started.
Please watch these video examples for ideas and inspiration:
Funny Mother Of The Groom Speech Video Example
Emotional Mother Of The Groom Speech Examples
Next, pair them up with this writing resource:
Simple Mother Of The Groom Speech Example
Here is a simple example by…. you can simply modify to suit your writing needs and style.
As mother of the groom I would like to say a few words and, since I’ve been married for almost 38 years, offer some advice to the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Dobro. To organize my thoughts, I prepared an acrostic. Used in literature and poetry, an acrostic is a form of writing which uses the first letter of a line to spell out a word or a message.
My use of acrostic is more like what you might remember doing in grammar school when you picked a word, for example, SUN and played off each letter: S-shine, U-ultraviolet. Remember? You get the point.
So the word I have chosen to use is YALE.
Now, Christine, Patrick, and Dave this is not confirmation that I like Yale best. I chose Yale because Yale is where Ellie and Mark met. And for everyone’s benefit Yale is only 4 letters.
Letter Y
You Ellie and you Mark are loved and special.
You are who you are, for the most part, because of your families and your friends — the people here tonight and some not here who you hold deeply in your hearts.
Ellie, your dad, All the beloved grandparents, and those whose way here has been blocked by unfortunate circumstances.
Yes: Years ago at Yale, you said yes, to each other and on Sunday, you will say yes again.
Yes to marriage. Yes to your life together. Yay Yippee Yahoo!
As you might know I am from New Jersey and a proud NJ driver. So, I’ll use the Y word Yield. Most people on the road don’t understand the concept of yield.
Ellie and Mark, yield to each other, give each other the right of way, take turns, and sometimes…just give in.
Yummy! Yummy treats, Mark loves yummy treats.
Letter A
All in: Marriage will require you to be All In and if you are, it will be an awesome amazing adventure!
Be available to each other. Pay attention. Apologize.
Ask for what you need and want, don’t assume the other person knows.
Be affectionate
Adapt: Adapt to changes in each other and the world around you
And always honor the Almighty above. Amen
Letter L
Love: Love each other unconditionally with an open heart.
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh!
Be loyal.
Listen to each other. Learn from each other. Like each other
Life is a miracle! If you choose to and are blessed, create new Life
And last but not least, Luck. You are lucky, you have always been lucky. Some people here might have occasionally been irked by your lucky-ness. May your Good Luck continue.
Letter E
Enjoy married life. Be equal partners. Put effort an energy into your relationship. It’s not easy.
Encourage each other. Be empathetic. Excuse mistakes
And try; really really try to bring the enthusiasm and excitement you’re feeling right now into your marriage every day!
I’ve said enough. And so to end, everyone, raise a glass.
Ellie and Mark, I love you. Cheers to your happily ever after.
Believe it or not, anyone can craft a compelling speech using a proven formula. With the right structure and guidance, writing a memorable mother of the groom speech is within reach.
To turn your goal into a reality, start by taking this crucial first step:
Create A Simple Outline For Your Mother Of The Groom Speech
This is a sample layout you can work with:
· Welcome remarks
· Thank you notes
· Start your mother of the groom speech
· Talk about the groom
· Talk about the bride
· End your speech
Now, I am going to walk you through each of these points with crystal-clear examples.
· Welcome Remarks
Here’s an example:
Hello everyone and welcome to the wedding celebration of my dear son Angel and my newly-minted sweet daughter-in-law, Sabrina.
· Thank You Notes
First, start with a general thank you note like this one:
On behalf of his da Perry and I, we’d like to thank all of you for joining us in this very special celebration of a lifetime. I call it so because he’s the first person in his line to get married. The others are pretty young and they will be getting married not anytime soon. So, this is a very special moment for our family.
Second, you can thank those who helped plan the wedding as well as members of your family who were very instrumental in molding him your son into the person he’s today.
· Start Your Mother Of The Groom Speech
How do you start your simple mother of the groom speech? Well, that depends a lot on how you want it to be.
By the way, here are three proven ways that can help you start on a very strong note.
First, you may treat the wedding guests to a heartfelt rendition of this song:
Second, you may start with a poem before you actually dive into your presentation.
Third, you may start with a nice little story like this one:
Mark’s siblings used to call him the flying boy when he was six years old. You know, there was this time I locked him up on the balcony for hitting his little sister on the head.
They were playing his favorite game in the basement but he was trapped up there not knowing what to do. Before we knew it, he jumped over the balcony and fell flat on his face. His chin split open and the next thing we knew, he was in the emergency room.
Fourth, you may start with a joke. For example:
For those of you that don’t know me, I am Martha but my son likes to call me Miss Spaghetti and there’s a story behind that. Okay, I call him The Spaghetti Boyfriend. There is actually a running joke in the family that he’s eaten more doughnuts than anyone in the Spencer family.
· Talk About The Groom
Here, you can share stories from when he was a little boy, his adolescence and the moment he told you about the bride.
Here’s a small example:
As a kid, George was always a handful, full of energy and enthusiasm. He even thought he was a lion at one point and another time, he thought he had transformed into a tiger. Just imagine that.
Question: What message do you want to convey about him? Do you want to weave a narrative spanning his childhood to adulthood or focus on humorous anecdotes?
The trick is to brainstorm a few stories and go with just one or two.
· Talk About The Bride
Here’s an inspired example to come up with something brief about your new daughter-in-law.
And let us not forget his remarkable wife, Michelle whose unwavering confidence shines in every situation.
She’s a tower of strength and support and has been with my son through thick and thin.
When he was laid off, he stood by him. When he was in school for close to 2 years, she was right there by him. What more could a mom ask for in her son’s future bride?
Let’s try out this fun homework assignment to help you say something about the bride.
You may reflect on these questions:
· Where and how you did first met her?
· How does she fit into your family dynamics?
· What are her personal attributes? And how do those traits complement your son?
· What do you cherish most about her?
Can you use your responses to write a small speech about who she really is? Please give it a try.
· How To End Your Simple Mother Of The Groom Speech
Here’s how to end your simple mother of the groom speech.
First, can you just conclude with a poem above love or marriage? Here’s a short example:
Poem Marriage Advice from 1886, by Jane Wells
‘Let your love be stronger than your hate or anger.
Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break.
Believe the best rather than the worst.
People have a way of living up or down to your opinion of them.
Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship.
The person you choose to marry is deserving of the courtesies and kindnesses you bestow on your friends.
Please hand this down to your children and your children’s children. The more things change the more they stay the same.’
Second, you can simply share words of advice.
Listen actively and empathetically. Embrace teamwork and practice forgiveness and understanding.