Speech writing Jobs

Dan Jean
10 min readJul 29, 2019


Speechwriting Jobs: A Shy Speechwriter Cracks The Code To Getting Speech Writing Jobs Fast And East Without Going Through The Usual Stress and Hassle Using What He Calls The Backyard Gold mining Writing Method!

This piece is really for you if…

· You’re looking for the best speech writing jobs online right where you are

· You want to get paid in days…not in weeks…not in months

· You’re looking for speech writing jobs that are so easy and quick to find

· You’re looking for a means to supplement your income so you can at least have your peace of mind

· You’re dreaming of getting a speech writing job that gives you immense joy and purpose as a writer

· You want to get a variety of speech writing jobs all year round

Dear Frustrated Speech Writer,

I am Jean Daniel and I write speeches for everyday people like you and me. You can call me the world’s shyest speechwriter.

Thanks to what I do, I have received tons of thank you letters from folks all over the world, but here are just a few to show you that it’s possible to make living writing speeches or earn extra income on the side to help you pay the bills.

Have you ever found yourself wondering, how you can get the best speech writing jobs out there or online?

I’ve been there before and I know how it feels like when you have done all you can but can’t make any real progress.

Can I be totally honest with you? The kind of speech writing jobs you’re looking for is not online. Sorry about that. That’s why you always hit a dead end anytime you go to ‘’Professor ‘’Google for help!

Don’t worry because I am going to show you where you can get profitable writing jobs all year round. So, please bear with me a little longer.

First off, let’s see how this story can help you get an idea of how you can use The Backyard Gold mining Method to get those excellent clients far more than you ever dreamed possible.

Once upon a time, a young man lived a happy life with his family.

He lived in a close-knit community and was highly respected by everyone due to his hard work and kind heart.

Even though he wasn’t too rich, he could support his wife and his two boys. His first son was 15 years old and his other child was a month old cute baby boy.

As time passed by, he was axed from his job due to a corporate takeover and this affected him and his family deeply.

He wasn’t himself after the sack. And so, every day, he thought long and hard about how best to turn his naked fortunes around.

What kept his hopes alive was the smile on the little baby’s face as he vowed to love and protect him all the days of his life.

Not too long after that lay off, he went around the neighborhood knocking on doors and asking for all kinds of handouts.

3 years later, those provisions were not forthcoming because the only factory that employed most of the townsfolk shut down too, leaving a whole neighborhood in need of daily bread.

Jerry began to grow pale and thin like a stick.

One starry evening, he met an old friend at a wedding reception and this longtime friend looked like a prince, so he thought he could at least be of help.

Having dined and wined, both friends began to talk about how their past lives, their present lives, and what they looked forward to, in the near future.

It turned out that Mike traded in gold and diamonds, and Jerry was so intrigued when his friend offered to show him how he too could trade those precious metals.

A month after the two had met, Jerry sold the last car he had in his garage and gave half of the proceeds to his wife, pocketed the rest, and then bought a few stuff so he could join Mike in the ‘’Land of Gold.’’

With a few clothes on his back, he ventured out one early morning but his wife wouldn’t let him go.

Anita held the hem of his shirt and said: ‘’Honey, are you leaving me and the kids or what?’’

‘’I just hate to see you suffer! I have had enough of this mental torture.

Life has not been kind to us lately. So, I’ve to go find something for you and our kids.

If I don’t, we will perish’’

He kissed his wife and kids’ goodbye and Anita couldn’t hold back her tears as her husband got down the winding stairs.

Their older son in his little shaky voice asked: ‘’Dad, when are you coming back? ‘’

‘’I don’t know…Maybe soon’’ Jerry’s voice quivered with emotion.

Having arrived in a foreign country, he found a job desilting rivers just after a month he’d arrived.

He toiled day and night and sent home the little cash he got.

One day, something exciting happened. His employer signed an agreement with a gold mining company as gold had been discovered in the middle of the river where he worked day and night.

Over time, his new bosses noticed his hard work, dedication, and commitment and moved him up the corporate chain.

As a part of his remuneration, he was given a little ounce of gold.

He left his job after working there for 10 years and came back home to start his own business as the local economy was making a slow comeback.

But, he made a mistake. He invested a huge amount of cash into a flourishing business near where he lived and lost quite a fortune.

I don’t know what went through your mind as you read that story.

But, please let me ask you these questions?

Do you think Jerry made a right move leaving his wife and children behind in search of new opportunities? I know your guess is as good as mine…

Now, do you think he was thoughtless when he invested in that firm on his return home?

I know that has stirred up a heated debate right now in this speech writing class!

Both scenarios bring to mind what Russell Conwell wrote in his landmark book, Acres of Diamond.

In that book, he wrote that

“Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard if you but dig for them’’

I thought Russell got it all wrong when I first read that because I didn’t understand what exactly what that meant until I discovered how the Backyard Gold mining Method of getting speechwriting clients works!

This method is all about finding untapped writing opportunities people like you and I need on a daily basis.

Have you ever considered that?

People in your backyard need you to write simple letters, notes, and speeches on a regular basis and they need speechwriters like you to put their thoughts and emotions into beautiful words.

Believe it or not, finding writing clients using this method is way easier than the traditional way of soliciting for clients.

Ok… Let me explain how you can effortlessly get clients using this unique method. So, please go grab your pen and paper and let’s do this together.

Where do you live currently?

Fort Lauderdale in Texas?

Auckland in New Zealand?

Tokyo in Japan?

Cairo in Egypt?

Havana in Cuba?

London in the United Kingdom?

Just asking for your location because you can do this no matter where you live in God’s big beautiful world.

By the way, let me illustrate with the state of Texas to help you discover how to find opportunities right where you are. The United States Census Bureau gives us a clear demographic insight into the state of Texas, as you can see below

To give you a perfect idea of how to find the best opportunities out there in Texas, and even in your own state or province or region…, we can divide the year 2019 (could be any other year) into four quarters:

Q1- January-March

Q2- April- June

Q3- July-September

Q4- October- December

Reminder: This equally applies no matter where you live…The state of Texas is used solely for instructional purposes.

Let’s now look at a few events or social occasions that take place in the First Quarter.

Of course, we can mention

- Birthday parties

- Weddings

- Funerals

- Retirements

As you are pretty much aware, there are a whole lot more.

Let’s switch over to The Second Quarter:

Let’s dive in…below are social occasions that happen right where you are or in your own backyard:

Birthday parties




Graduations (usually May through June)

Let’s move on to The Third Quarter:

Here are social occasions that take place right where you are or in your own backyard:

Birthday parties




Wedding Anniversaries

Finally, events that take place in the fourth quarter right where you are or in your own backyard:

Birthday parties




Wedding Anniversaries



Have you noticed that I keep repeating social occasions like…

· Birthdays

· Weddings

· Retirements

· Funerals….

That’s because they occur frequently throughout the year so let’s use one of those occasions to find the size of the market.

As you know, weddings and funerals do occur every now and then, but I want us to examine the ‘’funeral market’’ because of its vast size. If we still have time, we will do the same for birthdays.

This cool tool seems to forecast the number of deaths per year in the US.

Well, if that’s something to strictly go by those average figures, then, 2, 270,200 funerals services are held in the US alone every year.

You see, whenever someone dies, friends and family and loved ones of the deceased send out letters of condolences or sympathy notes. Some family members and friends will have to deliver eulogies as well.

Ok…Let’s say, our neighbor, let’s call him Uncle Seth just passed away a week ago.

As part of the funeral rites, practices and traditions, his relatives, friends or co-workers might be asked to give eulogies at his funeral or memorial service.

Guess what? All these speakers will resort to the internet to find information on giving memorable and inspiring eulogies.

By the way, Google has done a fantastic job of coming up with the Keyword Planner Tool.

Wondering what the Keyword Planner Tool is and how it works? I am glad you asked!

Whenever you (or anyone) look for something on Google, the keyword will keep a record of the total number of searches.

Let’s use that tool to find out the total number of people looking for eulogies.

Did you notice the total number of searchers?

Just imagine how happy you will feel if think if you could write for only 15 of these searchers every month?

That would be a cool $1050 if you are charging a mere $70 as a beginner! I think that wouldn’t be that bad as a beginner right?

The good thing this won’t take too much of your time. You can do this on the side and earn some extra cash.

You see, in every town, city, state or province, people are searching for ideas on the speech categories we looked at and if you provide them with good ideas and tips and advice, they will be very happy to pay for your services.

Want proof? See payments my clients sent me.

How to get those clients?

You don’t have to look far because they are right in your backyard and you have to position yourself as an authority on speech writing(even if you’re starting out) by giving them: ‘’ How to Write Tips’’ and you will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Thankfully, the smartest brain ever called Mr. Google has done a fantastic job by introducing what she calls Local SEO and that holds the key to get all those clients.

It works and I have gotten letters from people in my backyard and beyond using this revolutionary method.

Just imagine having your phone ring off the hook as neighbors, friends, and even total strangers call you to ask for help and be paid for that without spending so much time on it so you can spend quality time with family and friends.

In Part 2 of this series, you will discover via our Free Speechwriting Course — -how you too can effortlessly earn extra cash writing simple letters and notes and speeches for people right where you are. Please click here to get on board.



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